Holkham Beach, (C) Fisheye Images
Dr Katy Owen: Manages project development and delivery for the NCC Environment Team, with a background in marine ecology and coastal management.
Mel Gillings Mel is a project officer in charge of multiple projects within the Environment Team. She has years of experience of Interreg funding and keeps a tight ship.
Martin Horlock Martin is the manager of the Biodiversity team within the Environment Team, he is in charge of NBIS, NNNSI and the Historical environment team as well as several Interreg projects working on biodiversity.
Alex Larter: Alex is in charge of daily management of the project and after two years of working for the France (Channel) England Interreg programme, he is used to partnership work and programme rules. He is the main contact point.
North Denes Dunes, (C) Dr Katy Owen
Norfolk County Council is the local authority for Norfolk in the East of England. This project is led by the Environment team of the council.
NCC hosts the Norfolk Coast Partnership responsible for management of the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and works with District Councils and other stakeholders in the management & protection of 90 miles of Norfolk coastline and 588 hectares of dunes.
Through ENDURE NCC hopes to be able to use tools to better manage visitor flows in relation to dune resilience, leading to better planning on a county wide scale.
An example of a boardwalk to lessen impact of footfall on dunes.
NCC as lead partner is responsible for the sound financial management of the project as well as the communications.
Norfolk will also be taking active part in the marram grass protocol at its four designated sites. Alongside this, we will be working to establish a new method of dune management which we will monitor to measure impact of visitor flows on dune erosion. We also have a keen interest in the two pilot sites in France implementing both sand-nets and bouchot mussel posts to be able to integrate those results into future planning policy.